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A number of people have helped make this site possible, through providing images, compiling statistics, conducting research, or giving morale support.

Huge thanks to my long suffering wife, Alison, for all her help & encouragement, and a special nod to my dad, for introducing me to this great sport in the first place.

Gary Slater's assistance with statistics, data and general Wire history has been invaluable, and I'm grateful also to the help through the years from Neil Dowson & Stan Lewandowski.  All have built on the great work of the late Ernie Day, who I never had the pleasure of meeting, but who compiled so much that we now rely on when it comes to match information and player records.

Tony Collins has been an inspiration, not only through his fantastic books on the early history of the game, but also by providing access to the RFL archives long before they were in the public domain, as well as fielding various questions about the origins of the sport.

Thank you to various people who have provided images of memorabilia for use, most notably Geoff Perks, who has helped with the provision of many programmes scans.  I must also thank Alan Domville for information provided about Warrington programmes over the years.

Finally, thanks to you, for taking the time to visit this site.  I can only make the information available, but it requires the interest of others to keep the history of this great club and sport alive, and pass in on to future generations,   The most important person in this chain therefore is you!  As such, it would be great to hear if you have any comments on the site, or can offer support in any way, such as through provision of memorabilia images.  Please contact us to play you part in this process.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy viewing the site, as much as I have enjoyed compiling it.

I have tried to acknowledge where content is not my own work, or where images are not from my own collection.  I believe I have a right to use everything presented on this site, and have used all information and images in good faith.  If you have any concerns about the use of any content, please get in touch here.

If you wish to use any content or images you see, please also get in touch.  All rights are reserved over everything displayed, and given I do not have proprietary rights over everything contained here, I ask that nothing is used without prior permission.  It is my intention to share as much as possible however, with an expectation of fair usage, and I would be delighted if people want to use any content, to help spread the word about rugby league in Warrington and beyond.

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